
Bound to Please

Borrowed, downloaded or straight off the shelf—however you currently read (or listen to) books, ...

Dot-Com Creativity

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]alk all you want about big-city business incubators and speed networking. There’s still lots ...

Prince of Portraits

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat famously urbane American artist would be hardest to imagine springing out of 19th-century ...

Collectors’ Fantasy

More than 1,100 people packed the most recent Midwest Antique and Art Show in ...

Well-Traveled Talents

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]arly in the 20th century, a gifted generation of Midwestern artists captured the world’s ...

A Tale of Two Hotels

One’s the beautifully renovated Historic Park Inn, a Frank Lloyd Wright gem from 1910. ...

Saved for a Worthy Cause

The Des Moines Central Library stood abandoned and decrepit. Now it’s a grand, freshly ...

Art Across Iowa

In the 300 miles between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, our state’s coveted soil ...

Beginners’ Luck

When Jon and Mary Quass couldn’t decide on a house to buy in Cedar ...

Asian Export

During their travels, Alan and Helene Magruder fell in love with Japanese-style gardens and ...