Come to Our New-Issue Party Oct. 2

Business Publications Corp. and the Iowa Economic Development Authority invite you to attend our event on Oct. 2.

Sure, we have a party for everynew magazine we produce, but one each year is special—and it’s coming up Tuesday, Oct. 2. That’s when we celebrate our annual publication—dsm’s statewide sister, iamagazine. Once again, it has all the qualities you like about dsm, but it brings you stories from all corners of Iowa.

Please join us for this special event, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the headquarters of Holmes Murphy, 2727 Grand Prairie Parkway, on the southeast corner of Waukee. A short program at 6 p.m. will precede distribution of free copies to everyone there. Expect to see our usual dsmcelebrants, plus some folks from other parts of Iowa. We hope you’ll help us make them feel welcome! See you then.

Business Publications Corp. and the Iowa Economic Development Authority invite you to attend our event on Oct. 2.

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