An Ultimate Weekend In Elkader

Art in the Park brings local and regional artists to downtown Elkader on Aug. 21-22.

One of northeast Iowa’s scenic gems, Elkader promises outdoor enthusiasts, antiques lovers and foodies with year-round fun. The town, which is sited on the Turkey River, is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year. Here are three reasons to visit.

Art in the Park: Aug. 21-22, a fine art juried festival converges upon downtown at Founder’s Park. Shop for paintings, glassware and more by local and regional artists at the annual event, which also features music and food.

Antiques Please: Located downtown, the Turkey River Mall is loaded with booths that sell a mix of collectibles for those on the thrill of the hunt. Find antlers, old books, vintage picnic baskets, pottery and more at excellent prices.

Outdoor Exploits: Hiking is a top option here any time of year. Head northeast about half an hour to hike Pike’s Peak or Effigy Mounds for treks amid the Mississippi River bluffs; head south to Backbone State Park for hikes to caves and Devil’s Backbone, a steep limestone ridge.

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