Or … go Deutsche for a day in Amana

See the Meatles rock out on a float during the kickoff parade at 10 a.m. May 6. Photo: Amana Colonies.

The Amana Colonies host their traditional Maifest May 6-7. The festival celebrates May Day and the arrival of spring as the Germans do, with dancing, flowers, food and, of course, a stein or two.

The revelry kicks off Saturday morning with a parade and the Amana Maipole Dancers, who dance around a traditional pole they decorate with ribbons. (
Check their performance schedule.) Then, find a  meal at one of the traditional German restaurants, less traditional German food trucks or – surprise! – food trucks with pizza and Caribbean fare.

Sunday’s events feature a wine and chocolate walk. If you rack up enough punches on your punch card, you can score a souvenir Maifest drinking glass. Prost!

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