In Hancock, behold the Bison bison bison!

Photo: Getty Images

Herd the big news? National Bison Day is Nov. 4.

To celebrate the mighty beast (scientific name: Bison bison bison), head to the third annual Bison Fest set for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Botna Bend Park in Hancock. If you go, you’ll get to see the local herd, learn about their symbiotic relationship with the prairie and even try spinning a bit of bison wool. Plus, you can try your hand at various prehistoric activities, like tossing a spear-like atlatl and chipping flint into a handy tool.

And don’t worry if your atlatl or arrowhead doesn’t help you hunt up lunch. Gatherers will find plenty to eat from local vendors. Twenty-first century civilization has its perks.

In ia magazine, check out six other spots to see bison, along with plans for a bridge for bison (and people) across the Mississippi River.

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