‘Cracking Hunger’ Helps Feed Iowans in Need

Cracking Hunger has connected Iowa’s egg farmers with those in need throughout the state.

In 2018, the Iowa Egg Council initiated a program called Cracking Hunger with the goal of donating about 35,000 dozen eggs per month to Iowa’s food bank system. Two years later, the program has become even more important during the pandemic—and it has expanded.

Iowa egg farmers are expected to donate 6.5 million eggs this year, increasing their contribution to 45,000 dozen per month. 
Farmers have also been contributing to the Pack the Pantry grant program. Through the initiative, food banks can apply for grants to increase refrigeration capacity, which allows them to offer more eggs and other perishable foods.

Rose Acre Farms, Sparboe Foods, Versova, Center Fresh, Daybreak Foods, Oskaloosa Foods, Michael Foods, Centrum Valley and Hy-Line have contributed individually toward Cracking Hunger. Donations are going to the Food Bank of Iowa, the Iowa Food Bank Association, other local food pantries and schools.

Iowa Stops Hunger is a yearlong Business Publications Corp. initiative to bring awareness and action to food insecurity in Iowa.

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