Rook Room takes Puzzlepalooza to Coralville

The jig is up: A Des Moines-based gaming company has announced plans to expand to eastern Iowa.

Good news, jigsaw puzzlers: The Rook Room is taking its popular Puzzlepalooza competition statewide. The Des Moines-based gaming company is teaming up with Diversions, a pop-up operation in Iowa City, to offer Puzzlepalooza events in eastern Iowa, starting with one on Dec. 17 at Backpocket Brewing in Coralville. Plans are in the works for more events in the Cedar Valley and Quad Cities.

Since its launch in 2020, Puzzlepalooza has drawn thousands of participants on hundreds of teams to more than 50 events in Central Iowa. During the events, teams race to complete their puzzles first while organizers try to sabotage their efforts with various surprises. (Hey, no fair hiding the corner pieces!)

Beyond Puzzlepalooza, the Rook Room entertains crowds with board games, role-playing games and other activities. For all the details, visit

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