Meet Iowa’s Artist Fellows Online

Photographer Paul Brooke, shown here in southwestern Brazil, is one of the featured creatives in the Iowa Arts Council’s “Meet the Artist” series. Photo courtesy of Paul Brooke

Writer: Michael Morain
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs

In the age of Zoom, it’s easy to take for granted how much you can discover with just a few clicks of a button.

In the Iowa Arts Council’s online “Meet the Artist” series, viewers have recently learned about the Ames poet and photographer Paul Brooke’s treks through Iceland and the Amazon rainforest. They’ve seen Louise Kames’ meditative art installations in Dubuque and heard Brittany Brooke Crow of Des Moines explain how she creates self-portraits to overcome her self-doubts and insecurities.

The Iowa Arts Council offers the free series to showcase the creative work of this year’s five Iowa Artist Fellows, and two more sessions remain. At noon May 5, Emma Murray of Des Moines will discuss how her new podcast offers “where are they now” stories about folks from the late radio host Casey Kasem’s long-distance song dedications from the 1970s and ‘80s. (Register here and read more about Murray in this recent dsm magazine article.) At noon May 12, Francesca Soans of Waterloo will explain how she weaves layers of memory and culture into her documentary films. (Register here.)

Can’t tune in live? No problem. Check out the recordings on the Iowa Culture channel on YouTube.

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