Mai the Fest be with you

Join the Maipole Dancers next weekend to celebrate the arrival of a new spring. (Photo: The Amana Colonies)

The Amana Colonies host their traditional Maifest May 4-5. The festival celebrates May Day and the arrival of spring as the Germans do, with dancing, flowers, food and, of course, a stein or two.

The event kicks off on Saturday morning with a parade and a performance from the Maipole Dancers as they decorate a traditional pole with ribbons. All afternoon, the Festhalle will serve up traditional German fare like potato pancakes and obstkuchen, a fruit and custard tart. Saturday and Sunday, take the Wine and Beer Walk for free samples at participating businesses and a collectible Pilsner glass. (This year’s event leans into its May 4 date with a Star Wars-themed glass and other merchandise.)

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