Explore the local businesses of Madison County

Visit PepperHarrow Farm during the Madison County Fall Crawl to shop for fresh-cut bouquets and lavender products. It’s one of 15 stops on the self-guided tour. Photo: PepperHarrow Farm

Take a drive through Madison County during the annual Fall Crawl, which starts at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 24. Fifteen featured locations, including historic conservatories and family-owned farms, open their doors to host visitors and more than 75 vendors.

We recommend you start at Pammel Park Coffee Co. to grab an espresso, then choose your own adventure. There will be livestock feeding and veggie picking for the kids, tours through fields of lavender or hemp, if that’s more your thing, and tastings at half a dozen wineries, cideries and brewhouses. All are locally owned, of course.

No tickets are required, but be sure to pick up a Madison County passport at any participating location. Each stamp you get from a business earns you the chance to win all sorts of goodies

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