Cheers! Iowa beers earn national recognition

Big Grove Brewery won a gold medal at the Great American Beer Festival for its trademark Easy Eddy craft IPA. (Photo: Travel Iowa)

Three Iowa craft breweries and an Iowa craft cidery were awarded medals at the 2024 Great American Beer Festival. At the event earlier this month in Denver, judges evaluated more than 8,800 entries from breweries across the country to rank them in 105 categories.

“Once again, Iowa breweries are clearly demonstrating that some of the best craft beverages in the country are brewed in Iowa,” Iowa Brewers Guild Executive Director Noreen Otto said.

The Iowa winners were Easy Eddy from Big Grove Brewery, based in Iowa City; Decorah Nordic Gruit from Pivo Brewery in Calmar; Lavender Haze from SingleSpeed Brewing, based in Waterloo; and Cedar Valley Blend from Paha Cider Co. in Waverly. Easy Eddy won gold and the rest won silver medals in their respective categories.

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