Celebrate Iowa’s Greatest Hits

The Parranderos Latin Combo will headline this year’s Celebrate Iowa Gala. The Latin music group recently released their album “El Gran Chantaje” featuring 13 new songs.

You’d be hard-pressed, dear ia newsletter reader, to find a more Iowan event than the Celebrate Iowa Gala on Dec. 9 at the Scottish Rite Consistory in Des Moines. The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs hosts the annual celebration to showcase Iowa art, history, culture and community spirit while raising proceeds for statewide programs of the State Historical Society of Iowa.

It’s “an all-Iowa experience for guests to enjoy Iowa’s ‘greatest hits’ in music, food and entertainment,” department director Chris Kramer says. “It’s one of the best places to gather while also supporting Iowa history and culture.”

This year’s lineup includes music from the Parranderos Latin Combo, among others, as well as a history-inspired art installation by Iowa Artist Fellow Julia Franklin. The menu features food and drinks from farms, dairies, restaurants, breweries and distilleries from across the state.

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